BNP per capita Statistics and Research Åland - ÅSUB
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GDP per capita (PPP based) is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates and divided by total population. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita shows a country's GDP divided by its total population. The table below lists countries in the world ranked by GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) per capita, along with the Nominal GDP per capita. Value & Rank The GDP per Capita (PPP) of Finland is 35,900 ($) with a global rank of 33.
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- … Finland GDP Nominal (current) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Finland is $252,301,837,573 (USD) as of 2017. Real GDP (constant, inflation adjusted) of Finland reached $261,964,535,328 in 2017. GDP Growth Rate in 2017 was 2.63%, representing a change of 6,769,133,396 US$ over 2016, when Real GDP The value for GDP per capita (current LCU) in Finland was 42,488.38 as of 2018. As the graph below shows, over the past 58 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 42,488.38 in 2018 and a minimum value of 634.73 in 1960. Definition: GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. The GDP per capita of Finland in 2020 was €42,880 $49,090, €630 $280 less than in 2019, when it was €43,510 $48,810.
Lista över länder efter BNP PPP per capita – Wikipedia
source: World Bank 10Y 25Y GDP per capita of Finland in nominal and ppp terms. Estimates by world bank since 1960 in nominal terms and since 1990 in ppp terms at current and constant prices.
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In comparison, across the OECD, subnational government expenditure accounts for 40.4% of total public expenditure and for 16.2% of GDP. In this video, we are comparing the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita for Nordic countries; Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland.Source: https: 2020-01-27 FINLAND The GDP per capita gap vis-à-vis leading OECD economies widened somewhat during the financial crisis dueto a sharpfall inlabourproductivity anda smaller declinein employment, with some recoverylately. The remaining GDP per capita gap mainly reflects … Finland Belgium Germany Canada Denmark Sweden Australia Ireland Austria Netherlands United States Singapore Norway Thousands of U.S. dollars . GDP per capita, 2011 . 27.1 . 30.6 .
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Convergence of Real GDP per Capita in the EU15 area: How do the Accession Countries Fit in ? · Information om publikationen · The Effects of the Decentralization
2019-jul-03 - CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) annually in European of Europe (Annually) - Imgur Världshistoria, Meteorologi, Natur, Finland GDP - Gross Domestic Product (in purchasing power standard) per capita in the European. The GDP share of social protection expenditure in Finland is above the EU average.
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While the region's GDP per capita is about average for China, it is in relative decline. In 1978, China's north east provinces of Liaoning,
1840 hade Sverige 40% av Englands BNP per capita; 1870-1970: Sverige blev världens 4e rikaste Average growth in GDP per capita Finland, 3.2, 1.6, 2.6.
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PER CAPITA - Translation in English -
The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Finland was last recorded at 49241.10 US dollars in 2019. The GDP per Capita in Finland is equivalent to 390 percent of the world's average. source: World Bank 10Y 25Y The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Finland was last recorded at 48621.10 US dollars in 2019, when adjusted by purchasing power parity (PPP). The GDP per Capita, in Finland, when adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity is equivalent to 274 percent of the world's average.
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Cristián Ducoing Ruiz - Senior lecturer - Lund University
1. Finland är känt för sitt höga GDP per capita, i vilken delar av pengarna kommer från kasino-industrin. För att leverera en komplett tjänst till Helsinki, 1640-luku Helsingfors, Gamla Foton, Finland, Weed, Bullet Journal 2010 GDP per Capita (Purchase Power Parity - PPP) for all countries w/.