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true Position? 3. New-PSDrive: Three Required Parameters Se hela listan på This cmdlet has a useful parameter called -PSProvider, it enables us not only to research the local disk structure, but also gives us an insight into how PowerShell accesses the registry as a drive. If you like this page then please share it with your friends SHiPS (Simple Hierarchy in PowerShell) is a PowerShell provider which is capable of representing any structured data like a file system. SHiPS directory will be used by mounting it as a drive using New-PSDrive cmdlet.
The primary benefit of a provider is that it exposes its data in a familiar and consistent way. The model for data presentation is a file system drive. The provider allows you to view, navigate, and change items in the data store as though they were data in … Av människor för människor – Utvalda kundcase Våra kunder är viktiga för oss – och vi brinner för att skapa mer effektiva organisationer och processer. in PowerShell, the Registry is a PSProvider. means you can access it like a datasystem folder. if you type cd hklm: you're actually inside the local machine registry, and can access its content with Get-ChildItem. this has the advantage that you can provide for example PSDrives which actually point into the registry.
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This cmdlet removes and disconnects all of the drives associated with the specified Windows PowerShell provider.-Scope
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2015-04-09 · New-PSDrive -Name 'P' -Description 'Powerhsell study Videos' -PSProvider FileSystem -Root '\\\D$\Powershell\Vids' -Persist New drive will be mapped to your Explorer.
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Windows PowerShell Tutorial. An introducton to Microsoft's latest Windows scripting language. PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NoProfile -command "&{ New-PSDrive -Name K -Root '\\\public' -Persist -PSProvider FileSystem -Credential (Get-Credential) }" This shows it maps the drive, but again, it doesn't show up in Windows Explorer.
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PowerShell New-PSDrive fungerar inte med autentisering - powershell Detaljer. Detaljer. (0) Affärsområdeschef gemensam servicefunktion.