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0P00012UG9 fond Seb Obligationsfond Sek Institutional

The registration start date is May 14, 2013 . SE0008992259 SEB Institutionell Obligationsfond SEK B Cap : Last NAV: 30/03/2021: 10.1942 SEK -0.11 % SEB Institutionell Obligationsfond SEK SE0008992259 SEB Obligationsfond SEK SE0000984072 SEB Obligationsfond SEK utd SE0004867133. SE0005568037 SEB Schweizfond SEB Obligationsfond Flexibel SEK - Lux utd D (SEK) LU0053968599 1,50% SEK 0,1537 SEB Institutionell Obligationsfond SEK A SE0000691768 3,00% SEK 0,2677 The latest fund information for SEB Institutionell Obligationsfond I SEK, including fund prices, fund performance, ratings, analysis, asset allocation, ratios & fund manager information. SEB Obligationsfond SEK Icke utdelande SEK med villkor för distribution The offer, sale or delivery of the securities within the United States or to, or for the SE0008992259 SEB Institutionell Obligationsfond SEK B Cap : Last NAV: 19/03/2021: 10.1881 SEK +0.07 % : Documents Taxes Dividends Hist.

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2 SEB Obligationsfond SEK 393 0,40% 3 SEB Corporate Bond EUR - Lux 961 0,70% 3 JPM Global Strategic Bond Fund A SEK 769 1,00%2 4 SEB European High Yield Fund SEK - Lux 174 1,00% 4 SEB PB Aktiv 25 603 0,85%3 4 SEB PB Aktive 50 604 1,20%3 4 SEB Hållbar Blandfond Sverige 368 1,00% 5 SEB Aktiesparfond 387 1,40% 5 SEB PB Aktiv 75 601 1,30%3 5 SEB 1 SEB Obligationsfond Flexibel SEK 358 0,50% 2 SEB FRN Fond Hållbar A DHN 0,40% 2 SEB Green Bond Fund SEK - Lux 165 0,40% 2 SEB Företagsobligationsfond Hållbar A DGR 0,70% 3 SEB Corporate Bond SEK - Lux 963 0,70% 3 SEB Dynamisk Räntefond SEK - Lux 178 0,50%2 3 SEB Realräntefond SEK - Lux utd 939 0,50% 3 SKY Harbor US SD Sust High Yield 304 SEB Funds Trading Calendar 2021 The below funds are closed for subscriptions and redemption orders when more than 30% of the assets in the fund is traded on a market place which is closed, and/or if there is a holiday in the fund's domicile SEB Realräntefond D SEK - Lux utd Låg (3) 13,89 Hitta vår Seb Korträntefond Sek Utd fonds basinformation live. Visa och analysera 0P0000Y4ZN fondens diagram genom totala tillgångar, riskvärdering, minimal investering, börsvärde och kategori.

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Informationen är fördröjd med 15 minuter och levereras av Millistream. 2016-09-15 About SEB Institutionell Obligationsfond SEK SEB Institutionell Obligationsfond SEK is a an open-end fund incorporated in Sweden.