Forfattersalon med Dorthe Nors Billetter København Forretning



The freezer chest 2015 Nors, Dorthe (May 25, 2015). Translated from the Danish by Misha Hockstra. "The freezer chest". The New Yorker.

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El 2011, va rebre un ajut de tres anys de l'Agència Danesa d'Arts «pel  23 Feb 2017 Acclaimed Danish author Dorthe Nors is an expert guide to her and she's the first Danish writer to have a story published in the New Yorker. 10 May 2020 FOREIGNWild Swims by Dorthe Nors, translated by Misha Hoekstra the first Danish writer to have a short story published in The New Yorker. She is the first Danish writer to ever have a story published in The New Yorker. In 2011, she was awarded the Danish Arts Agency's Three Year Grant for "her  In Dorthe Nors' story from The New Yorker “Sun Dogs”, the protagonist, a writer, says of her maybe-lover Olav's mother, “We never spoke of Olav.

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2018-09-19 · A story from Karate Chop, “The Heron,” was the first by a Danish writer to be published in The New Yorker. Her staccato novella Minna Needs Rehearsal Space— which was published in the States alongside another of Nors’s novellas, So Much for That Winter— cemented Nors as an author who is able to thoughtfully admonish our digital generation.

Vn sommar 2014

Dorthe nors new yorker

. . . Often hilarious. . .

Det er en lang historie, but here goes: Det begyndte for fem år siden.
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Dorthe nors new yorker

Dorthe Nors, der er født i 1970 i Herning, kommer og fortæller om sit forfatterskab med nedslag i sit internationalt anerkendte forfatterskab. I 2013 fik Dorthe Nors, som den første danske forfatter nogensinde, trykt en novelle i det amerikanske tidsskrift The New Yorker, der er kendt for sit fokus på moderne litteratur. Samtidigt fik Nors i 2013 antaget novellen HEJREN i The New Yorker, og hun blev dermed den første dansker, der nogensinde har fået litteratur trykt i magasinet.

The New Yorker.
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The New Yorker. 91 (14): 64–67. New Yorker Fiction Index.

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Författarkväll med Dorthe NORS - 7 FEB 2017 - Evensi

Hon har medverkat med sina noveller i internationella tidskrifter och antologier och hon har som första danska författare publicerats i anrika The New Yorker. Inlägg om Dorthe Nors skrivna av Ola. souls and the power and desperation of family.” Läs recension i New Yorker: ”THE SICK THRILL OF 'FEVER DREAM'”. The New Yorker. "First rate. . . .